Adipose tissue lipolysis promotes exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy involving the lipokine C16: 1n7-palmitoleate

Anna Foryst-Ludwig, Michael C. Kreissl, Verena Benz, Sarah Brix, Elia Smeir, Zsofia Ban, Elzbieta Januszewicz, Janek Salatzki, Jana Grune, Anne Kathrin Schwanstecher, Annelie Blumrich, Andreas Schirbel, Robert Klopfleisch, Michael Rothe, Katharina Blume, Martin Halle, Bernd Wolfarth, Erin E. Kershaw, Ulrich Kintscher

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

49 Zitate (Scopus)


Endurance exercise training induces substantial adaptive cardiac modifications such as left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Simultaneously to the development of LVH, adipose tissue (AT) lipolysis becomes elevated upon endurance training to cope with enhanced energy demands. In this study, we investigated the impact of adipose tissue lipolysis on the development of exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Mice deficient for adipose triglyceride lipase (Atgl) in AT (atATGL-KO) were challenged with chronic treadmill running. Exercise-induced AT lipolytic activity was significantly reduced in atATGL-KO mice accompaniedbythe absence of aplasma fatty acid (FA) increase. These processes were directly associated with a prominent attenuation of myocardial FA uptake in atATGL-KO and a significant reduction of the cardiac hypertrophic response to exercise. FA serum profiling revealed palmitoleic acid (C16: 1n7) as a new molecular co-mediator of exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy by inducing nonproliferative cardiomyocyte growth. In parallel, serum FA analysis and echocardiography were performed in 25 endurance athletes. Inconsonance, the serum C16: 1n7 palmitoleate level exhibited a significantly positive correlation with diastolic interventricular septum thickness in those athletes. No correlation existed between linoleic acid (18: 2n6) and diastolic interventricular septum thickness. Collectively, our data provide the first evidence that adipose tissue lipolysis directly promotes the development of exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy involving the lipokine C16: 1n7 palmitoleate as a molecular co-mediator. The identification of alipokine involved in physiological cardiac growth may help to develop future lipid-based therapies for pathological LVH or heart failure.

Seiten (von - bis)23603-23615
FachzeitschriftJournal of Biological Chemistry
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 25 Sept. 2015


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