Additive manufacturing by the selective paste intrusion: Effect of the distance of the print nozzle to the particle bed on the print quality

Alexander Straßer, Alexander Haynack, Thomas Kränkel, Christoph Gehlen

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Selective Paste Intrusion (SPI) is an additive manufacturing (AM) process in which thin layers of aggregates are selectively bonded by cement paste only where the structure is to be produced. In this way, concrete elements with complex geometries and structures can be created. Reinforcement is required to increase the flexural strength of the concrete elements and, thus, enable their applicability in practice. Integrating the reinforcement is a difficult task, particularly in the case of SPI, due to the layerwise printing method. Especially with respect to possible complex structures, the production of the reinforcement needs to be adapted to SPI, thereby offering a high degree of freedom. One concept for reinforcement integration is combining the two additive manufacturing processes, SPI and Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). However, since the two processes serve different fields of application, their compatibility is not necessarily given. Ongoing investigations show that the temperatures caused by WAAM adversely affect both the cement paste rheology required for sufficient paste penetration into the particle bed and the overall concrete strength. This paper provides an overview of ongoing research focusing on different cooling strategies and their effects on the compressive strength of SPI-printed concrete parts.

FachzeitschriftConstruction and Building Materials
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 25 Okt. 2024


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