Adaptive playout for low latency video streaming

E. Steinbach, N. Färber, B. Girod

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung

69 Zitate (Scopus)


Network variations in video streaming require to prebuffer sufficient data at the client prior to playout. This receiver buffer prevents the display process from starvation in case of network congestion. Prebuffering, however, is also responsible for the major part of the delay between requesting a media stream and playing it at the receiver. In this paper we show how adaptive media playout can be employed to reduce the delay introduced by the receiver buffer while preserving the same resilience against buffer under-flow as in non-adaptive media playout. For adaptive media playout we adjust the playout speed of the media packets depending on the condition of the channel and the current client buffer fullness. We employ a two-state Markov channel model to analyze the buffer underflow-delay trade-off for our adaptive playout strategy and show that for typical parameters the average end-to-end delay can be reduced by 1 to 2 seconds.

PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2001
Extern publiziertJa
VeranstaltungIEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2001 - Thessaloniki, Griechenland
Dauer: 7 Okt. 200110 Okt. 2001


KonferenzIEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2001


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