A new Multi Leaf Collimator for the fission neutron therapy facility at FRM II

Lucas B. Sommer, Tobias Chemnitz, Severin Kampfer, Dominik Bausenwein, Alexander Beimler, Markus Kellermeier, Rudolf Schütz, Jan J. Wilkens, Franz M. Wagner

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

2 Zitate (Scopus)


As a part of the general upgrade program of the fission neutron therapy facility MEDAPP at the research reactor FRM II, a newly designed, electronically operated Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) was introduced. The design of the new collimator was optimized in order to increase dose output and to allow patient positioning closer to the collimator. The new collimator allows divergent and convergent beam shaping in order to maximize the effective area of the fission source used for irradiation. In comparison to the old MLC, the radiation dose for the staff is reduced by the motorized operation of the new MLC. The advanced beam shaping abilities of the new collimator are investigated by a comparison with depth dose curves and beam profiles of the old MLC. For the separation of neutron and gamma dose deposition in water, the two chamber dosimetry method recommended for mixed field dosimetry was applied. A re-calibration of the set of ionization chambers used for dosimetry in mixed neutron-gamma radiation fields at FRM II was performed. The calibration was done in a reference neutron field from 3H(p,n)3He-reactions in a low scattering environment. An overall increased dose output as intended by the design of the new MLC was shown. Also, improved dosimetric characteristics of the treatment field due to the optimized beam shaping abilities of the new MLC were demonstrated. In the calibration measurements of the magnesium ionization chamber used in the two chamber method, an unexpected increase of the neutron sensitivity by a factor of 8 was measured. The new MLC will enable more conformal dose delivery to the target volume in patients and therefore help to reduce healthy tissue damage by the application of neutron radiation.

FachzeitschriftNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2023


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