A mathematical model for predicting effects of building barrages on a river.

G. Schmitz, G. J. Seus, J. Edenhofer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


A design of a mathemaical model is presented appropriate to investigate the effects on the flood of a river created by any kind of dredging or smoothing operation in or around the river as well as by changing the flow conditions with the aid of control structures. That investigation is based upon a comparison of the present state to that influenced by constructing or controlling measures. The model consists of three parts: (1)Identification and calibration of the functions governing the model. (2)Verification of these functions by the help of events not used for the identification procedure. (3)Prediction of future effects feeding the changed model with the same hydrologic inputs as in the identification state. Mathematically the model employs non-linear optimization procedures and a brand new, very fast, and unconditionally stable scheme to solve the Saint Venant equations. (A)

Seiten (von - bis)d, Paper 15/-
FachzeitschriftIN: PROC. 19TH IAHR CONGRESS, (NEW DELHI, INDIA: FEB. 1-7,1981)
Jahrgang2 , New Delhi, India, IAHR, 1981, Subject-A
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1981


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