

  • 2024

    Accurate Kinematic Modeling using Autoencoders on Differentiable Joints

    Wilhelm, N., Haddadin, S., Burgkart, R., Van Der Smagt, P. & Karl, M., 2024, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 7122-7128 7 S. (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation).

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  • Design and Implementation of a Robotic Testbench for Analyzing Pincer Grip Execution in Human Specimen Hands

    Wilhelm, N., Glowalla, C., Haddadin, S., Schote, J., Höppner, H., Van Der Smagt, P., Karl, M. & Burgkart, R., 2024, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 18465-18471 7 S. (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation).

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  • Towards Safe Robot Use with Edged or Pointed Objects: A Surrogate Study Assembling a Human Hand Injury Protection Database

    Kirschner, R. J., Micheler, C. M., Zhou, Y., Siegner, S., Hamad, M., Glowalla, C., Neumann, J., Rajaei, N., Burgkart, R. & Haddadin, S., 2024, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 12680-12687 8 S. (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation).

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    1 Zitat (Scopus)
  • 2023

    Individualized Training of Back Muscles Using Iterative Learning Control of a Compliant Balance Board

    Jensen, E., Mirjalili, R., Peper, K., Ossadnik, D., Wu, F., Lang, J., Martin, M., Hetfleisch, F., Burgkart, R. & Haddadin, S., 2023, 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2023. IEEE Computer Society, (IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics).

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  • 2017

    Characterization of bovine cartilage by fiber Bragg grating-based stress relaxation measurements

    Baier, V., Marchi, G., Foehr, P., Burgkart, R. & Roths, J., 2017, 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Yuan, L., Chung, Y., Jin, W., Lee, B., Canning, J. & Nakamura, K. (Hrsg.). SPIE, 103230G. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 10323).

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    1 Zitat (Scopus)
  • 2016

    Effect of low-dose CT and iterative reconstruction on trabecular bone microstructure assessment

    Kopp, F. K., Baum, T., Nasirudin, R. A., Mei, K., Garcia, E. G., Burgkart, R., Rummeny, E. J., Bauer, J. S. & Noël, P. B., 2016, Medical Imaging 2016: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging. Gimi, B. & Krol, A. (Hrsg.). SPIE, 7881R. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE; Band 9788).

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    2 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2013

    Verfahren zur referenzmodellerstellung für die evaluierung CT-basierter segmentierung des Kortikalis-Spongiosa-Überganges im femur

    Surup, T., Hänler, A., Homeier, A., Petersik, A., von Oldenburg, G. & Burgkart, R., 2013, Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin 2013: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen, Proceedings des Workshops. Meinzer, H.-P., Deserno, T. M., Handels, H. & Tolxdorff, T. (Hrsg.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, S. 259-264 6 S. (Informatik aktuell).

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    2 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2012

    A truly safely moving robot has to know what injury it may cause

    Haddadin, S., Haddadin, S., Khoury, A., Rokahr, T., Parusel, S., Burgkart, R., Bicchi, A. & Albu-Schaffer, A., 2012, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2012. S. 5406-5413 8 S. 6386163. (IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems).

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    42 Zitate (Scopus)
  • Real-time 3D visualization in an open architecture of a robotic application in the biomechanics

    Martinez, H., Von Deimling, C., Ulbrich, H., Von Eisenhart-Rothe, R. & Burgkart, R., 2012, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2012 - Conference Digest. S. 1458-1463 6 S. 6491174. (2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2012 - Conference Digest).

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    3 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2010

    The microstructure of mandibular bone grafts and three-dimensional cell clusters

    Gürel, S., Unold, C., Deyhle, H., Schulz, G., Kühl, S., Saldamli, B., Tübel, J., Burgkart, R., Beckmann, F. & Müller, B., 2010, Developments in X-Ray Tomography VII. 78041G. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 7804).

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    1 Zitat (Scopus)
  • 2009

    A 3D simulation system for hip joint replacement planning

    Dick, C., Georgii, J., Burgkart, R. & Westermann, R., 2009, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering: Image Processing, Biosignal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Biomechanics. 4 Aufl. Springer Verlag, S. 363-366 4 S. (IFMBE Proceedings; Band 25, Nr. 4).

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    6 Zitate (Scopus)
  • A system for performing automated measurements on large bone databases

    Gottschling, H., Schröder, M., Reimers, N., Fischer, F., Homeier, A. & Burgkart, R., 2009, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering: Image Processing, Biosignal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Biomechanics. 4 Aufl. Springer Verlag, S. 910-913 4 S. (IFMBE Proceedings; Band 25, Nr. 4).

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    12 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2008

    Computational steering for patient-specific implant planning in orthopedics

    Dick, C., Georgii, J., Burgkart, R. & Westermann, R., 2008, EG VCBM 2008 - Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine. S. 83-92 10 S. (EG VCBM 2008 - Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine).

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    15 Zitate (Scopus)
  • Internal structures of scaffold-free 3D cell cultures visualized by synchrotron radiation-based micro-computed tomography

    Saldamli, B., Herzen, J., Beckmann, F., Tübel, J., Schauwecker, J., Burgkart, R., Jürgens, P., Zeilhofer, H. F., Sader, R. & Müller, B., 2008, Developments in X-Ray Tomography VI. 70781X. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 7078).

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    6 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2007

    3D-Rekonstruktion aus DSA-Projektionsdaten mittels diskreter Tomographie

    Bodensteiner, C., Martens, V., Schlichting, S., Binder, N., Burgkart, R. & Schweikard, A., 2007, Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin 2007: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen, BVM 2007 - Proceedings des Workshops. S. 41-45 5 S. (Informatik aktuell).

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  • 2005

    BrainTrain: Brain simulator for medical VR application

    Panchaphongsaphak, B., Burgkart, R. & Riener, R., 2005, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 13: The Magical Next Becomes the Medical Now, MMVR 2005. IOS Press, S. 378-384 7 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 111).

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    16 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2004

    A sensorized human torso phantom

    Riener, R., Sae-Kee, B., Frey, M. & Burgkart, R., 2004, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12 - Building a Better You: The Next Tools for Medical Education, Diagnosis and Care. IOS Press, S. 323-326 4 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 98).

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    2 Zitate (Scopus)
  • Phantom-based interactive simulation system for dental treatment training

    Sae-Kee, B., Riener, R., Frey, M., Pröll, T. & Burgkart, R., 2004, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12 - Building a Better You: The Next Tools for Medical Education, Diagnosis and Care. IOS Press, S. 327-332 6 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 98).

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    4 Zitate (Scopus)
  • The delivery simulator: A new application of medical VR

    Obst, T., Burgkart, R., Ruckhäberle, E. & Riener, R., 2004, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12 - Building a Better You: The Next Tools for Medical Education, Diagnosis and Care. IOS Press, S. 281-287 7 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 98).

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    15 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2003

    Force-torque input enhances medical VR applications

    Riener, R., Burgkart, R., Frey, M., Sae-Kee, B. & Pröll, T., 2003, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11 - NextMed: Health Horizon. IOS Press, S. 282-284 3 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 94).

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    5 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2002

    A new haptic interface for VR medical training

    Riener, R. & Burgkart, R., 2002, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 02/10 - Digital Upgrades: Applying Moore's Law to Health. IOS Press, S. 388-394 7 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 85).

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    7 Zitate (Scopus)
  • 2001

    A survey study for the development of virtual reality technologies in orthopedics

    Riener, R. & Burgkart, R., 2001, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001 - Outer Space, Inner Space, Virtual Space. IOS Press, S. 407-409 3 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 81).

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    4 Zitate (Scopus)
  • Development of a multi-modal virtual human knee joint for education and training in orthopaedics

    Riener, R., Hoogen, J., Burgkart, R., Buss, M. & Schmidt, G., 2001, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001 - Outer Space, Inner Space, Virtual Space. IOS Press, S. 410-416 7 S. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Band 81).

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    7 Zitate (Scopus)